Each new film course that starts promises the cinephile community a unique journey of twelve months full of nervousness, great expectations and pleasant surprises as gigantic as the...
Among the best, Primewire had been long known as the best for watching free movies online. Then something went wrong and the website was no more...
The technology which shaped and transformed the music industry is not celebrated enough. The enhancement of music technology allowed musicians to produce new genres of music,...
Piracy issues are more prevalent than before and are spread like a mushroom growth. Among many other sites, we have 9xmovies that help in releasing content...
It took a significant distraction for Anis Maknojia to regain his focus. The writer, actor and producer already has a handful of short film projects under...
It’s hard to fathom how much people care about music. Music evokes a sense of longing and familiarity in listeners. People who write songs tend to...