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4 Steps To Select The Best Analytical Balance



Laboratory scales are expensive investments for the laboratories that purchase them. But with so many options available, it can be difficult to choose the instrument that is right for your needs. In this blog, we will give you four steps for best scale or laboratory balance that can help you choose which weighing instrument to buy for your laboratory.

To start the selection process, keep in mind the two main types of scales:

  • Analytical balances are generally the best quality like Adamlab analytical balance online. The analytical balance displays a result of at least four decimal points (for example, 0.0001 grams or 0.1 milligrams). This point display is balance reading. Analytical balances offer a higher level of reading. Its capacity (maximum weight) is usually up to 250 grams.

The most common analytical balances show results with four to five decimal points and are used to weigh materials: chemicals and drugs, usually in powder, liquid or solid.

In addition to analytical balances, microbalances display results with up to six decimal points for applications that require extremely precise measurements.

  • balances accuracy or precision balances higher load usually show results with one to three decimal places (0.001 grams to 0.1 grams), which means that their reading ability is reduced compared to analytical balances. However, precision balances support higher capacities, up to several kilos.

Some precision balances are portable and battery-powered, making them a flexible choice for field activities or similar applications. Portable precision balances are sometimes less expensive and have a reading capacity of one or two decimal points.

Choosing the best balance

To narrow your options, follow the sequence below to determine the most suitable option for your general needs.

1) Notice the reading capacity of your balance.

Consider the precision of measurements you need and get a scale that overture a further decimal point in reading ability.

2) Note the capacity or maximum weight allowed.

Think about the type of calculating containers you will be using, along with the materials you will be weighing.

3) Consider the functions and options

Features are included in the product:

  • Dynamic Weighing or Animal Weighing – This feature considers the movement of an animal while on the weighing platform. Records multiple readings in a matter of seconds, and averages these readings for more precision.

Options are enhancements or accessories that generally involve a higher cost.

  • Specific gravity or density measurement kit: This is a common measurement in quality assurance laboratories to determine the quality of a product. The kit contains the necessary components to easily weigh samples in air or immersed in a liquid. It will also include a thermometer and often a stage of a known volume to determine the specific gravity of liquids.

Material manufacturers, among others, use this information to determine if air is trapped in the material, by generating a low specific gravity. Synthetic foam manufacturers need similar information to indicate if the product takes up too little or too much air. Some scales include software that guides the user through the test steps and automatically calculates the specific gravity or density measurement.

4) Check your budget.

Critical features, such as proper readability, can determine the type of balance to select, but some options may fall into the “desirable” category if they do not generate significant time savings.