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7 Ways to Avoid Sports Injuries In Teens



Participation in sports is being encouraged increasingly in schools and universities. This not only allows students to stay active but also helps teenagers in finding their passion in a particular sport.

Increased physical activities lead to increased chances of injuries. Sports injuries are quite frustrating as they impede a young athlete’s participation in sports. And no one enjoys being left out of their favourite sport.

So, how can you take precautionary measures to keep teenagers from getting injured?

Well, you can start here to discover a few ways by which could prevent sports injuries in teens.

  1. Use Finest Sporting Gear

By investing in the finest sporting gear, you not only prevent unfortunate incidents but also reduce costs of replacement.

Poor quality or worn-out sporting gear contribute to wounds and fractures. For instance, a poor quality shoe won’t provide enough support while running, leading to leg muscle injuries. Whereas, a defective badminton racket can contribute to forearm, elbow and shoulder injuries.

Thus, only purchase the finest sporting equipment and regularly check if they need any repairs or replacement. Look for reviews of sporting equipment before you buy them; to do so, you can start here.

  1. Wear Protective Gear

So many injuries can be prevented by wearing proper protective gear. You can enjoy a game while being responsible for your safety.

Make use of pads and guards whenever necessary. You won’t look tough when you get injured due to negligence of safety measures.

If you participate in contact sports or sports involving rigorous actions, then you must never forget to protect your head with a helmet. As injuries which could turn fatal are typically head-related, such as a concussion.

  1. Practice Technique

Most sports injuries are caused by a lack of proper technique and training. Every sport has a specific technique, the right way to execute an action.

The technique of any sport can only be acquired by proper training. If you don’t practice its techniques, you increase your chances of getting injured.

If you are not careful, then you might end up needing meniscal repairs surgeries. Kids that play sports where rapid direction changes are required like basketball or football can easily end up getting themselves injured. This is one major reason why it is best to consult an expert when such injuries take place.

For instance, football players must know the correct way of kicking and dodging the ball without pulling a muscle or causing leg cramps.

  1. Encourage Cross-Training

By playing the same sport for weeks over a longer duration, you work on a particular group of muscles and joints only. This is bad for an athlete’s body and performance. Thus, all young athletes need to cross-train.

Cross-training targets all muscle groups of the body at the same time. It helps prevent injuries in the overused muscles and joints, facilitates a quick recovery, boosts fitness levels and improves overall performance.

  1. Never Skip Warm-Up

I cannot stress the importance of warming up before entering the game field. It’s common to forget warming up before starting a game, but to avoid injuries the simplest method is to start with a warm-up.

A quick warm-up includes a few stretches, toe touches, jumping jacks and on the spot jogging. Not only does it circulate blood flow and raise body temperature, but it also signals your body and muscles to get to work.

  1. Relax And Stretch Muscles

After any strenuous activity, allowing your muscles to relax and recover is also essential to prevent muscle cramps or fatigue.

Your body and muscles need a few minutes to rest after engaging in extensive physical activity.

Do a cool-down and stretch after each game and in between practice sessions to avoid overtraining your muscles and body.

  1. Stay Hydrated

Sweating leads to water loss in the body if you don’t sufficiently hydrate yourself. Dehydration puts you at risk of weakness and injury, especially during warmer weather.

Thus, make sure your teen is hydrated with sufficient water or electrolytes before, during and after the game.

Regular sports are beneficial for a teen’s physical health, and minor injuries are a small price to pay. By following the above tips, you can dodge minor injuries and pain altogether.

However, you must know when to consult a doctor as neglected minor injuries often become major problems.

Mudassar Hassan brings 8 years of experience in helping grass roots, mid-sized organizations and large institutions strengthen their management and resource generating capacities and effectively plan for the future. He is also a mentor and professional advisor to artists working in all disciplines. He is also the gold medalist from Abbottabad University of Science and Technology in the Bachelors of Sciences of Computer Science and recently Graduated from the University of Bolton with Masters in International Management.