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Dental Bridges 101: Understanding the What and How



Dental Bridges 101: Understanding the What and How

Are you experiencing tooth loss? Be it as a result of natural causes, a medical condition, or an injury — are you confused about the options to consider for restoring your smile? A missing tooth brings about an undesirable gap, and the problem with this is not just the cosmetic part of it. You are likely to undergo jaw discomfort, pain while chewing, and more. Dental bridges offer a great solution for this problem.

If you have never undergone the process of receiving a dental bridge, it is a good idea to get a better understanding of the device as well as the procedures involved.

Defining a Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is a replacement tooth that quite literally “bridges” the gap left behind by a missing tooth, restoring a natural appearance and functionality for biting and chewing.

The main types of bridges are traditional, cantilever, Maryland, and implant-supported bridges. After examination, your dentist will determine the most appropriate option for you.

The Procedure for Placing Dental Bridges

Since the procedure is not considered a surgical one, you will likely be awake throughout the treatment. You may, however, opt for mild to moderate sedation – for example laughing gas or oral sedation in the form of pills taken beforehand – to ease your nerves, and feel extra comfort and relaxation. Your dentist will also use local anaesthetic to numb your mouth.

The dental specialist normally begins by taking measurements and imprints of your mouth. This step makes sure the custom-made bridge feels comfortable and fits well. Your dentist will have you bite soft foam to generate the imprint. The remaining natural teeth on one or both sides of the gap will be filed down to accommodate crowns. In some cases, the dentist will use temporary crowns to provide protection while awaiting the creating of the permanent dental bridge.

Level of Pain to Expect Before And After

You should not experience any significant discomfort during the procedure if your doctor uses a local anaesthetic. Nevertheless, the fact that you will have your mouth open for a prolonged time period may make your jaw feel a bit sore.

A good remedy for the associated discomfort is taking over-the-counter pain relievers or placing an icepack against your jaw.

How About Recovery?

One of the advantages of dental bridges is their minimal recovery period. Typically, you can get back to normal eating after your dentist places the permanent bridge. In most cases, patients do not find it difficult to adapt to the bridge. In the event that you feel pain, however, talk to your dentist. Your dentist can carry out adjustment to make the bridge feel more natural and comfortable, if needed.

Reviewing the Benefits of Dental Bridges

One of the various benefits of dental bridges is a desirable cosmetic appearance that does away with the unwanted space and offers a beautiful smile. Missing teeth also make it difficult to bite or chew, while dental bridges help to eliminate any critical issues while eating. Moreover, a missing tooth may also interfere with your speech. The filling introduced by tooth filling enables you to have normal speech.

Gone are the days when a damaged or missing tooth bore a huge impact on the aesthetics of your smile or general condition of your dental health. Dental bridges are a fantastic option in modern tooth restoration, allowing you to eat, talk, and smile with confidence.

Mudassar Hassan brings 8 years of experience in helping grass roots, mid-sized organizations and large institutions strengthen their management and resource generating capacities and effectively plan for the future. He is also a mentor and professional advisor to artists working in all disciplines. He is also the gold medalist from Abbottabad University of Science and Technology in the Bachelors of Sciences of Computer Science and recently Graduated from the University of Bolton with Masters in International Management.