Freelance Java Developer: Complete Guide
6 years agoon
This year, the Java programming language is still the most used programming language. Today, FreelanceRepublik offers you an article entirely dedicated to the Java developer!
What is the market for this language? What are the most requested frameworks? What salary can you expect on a permanent contract, or what Average Daily Rate can you ask for as a Freelancer? How to become a freelance Java developer? Here is the complete Java Developer’s Guide.
About the Java Programming Language
Presentation of the language
Java is a programming language that was created by two employees of Sun Microsystems . Officially launched in May 1995, it was finally acquired by Oracle in 2009 . Today, Java is still owned and maintained by this company.
When it was created, it was decided that the Java language should meet several objectives, including:
• its simplicity;
• its robustness;
• its performance;
• its independence (i.e. it must be able to work regardless of the machine running it).
Java largely uses the syntax of the C++ language . However, it includes many subtleties, such as pointers, references or multiple inheritance. Additionally, Java is an object-oriented language , a particularly advantageous and modular programming concept.
Warning: the Java language should not be confused with its (almost) homonymous JavaScript , which is a client language.
The best Java frameworks
One of the great features of this programming language is its great portability .
In other words, an application developed in Java must be able to work equally well on Window, Mac or Linux, with as few modifications as possible. However, Java applications therefore have the disadvantage of being quite heavy and non-trivial. Many frameworks have therefore been created in order to simplify the work of the Java developer, and to facilitate this portability.
Among the best known, we can cite:
• JSF (JavaServer Faces) ;
• Struts ;
• Hibernate ;
• SpringBoot ;
• Spring MVC .
Each framework has its own set of advantages and disadvantages for the developer. But which are the most sought after by recruiters?
The Java developer in CDI
Evolution of interest in Java
Popular for many years, Java continues to be the computer language most requested by recruiters , despite a general downward trend.
The freelance Java developer
Which freelance status to choose?
Are you a Java developer on a permanent contract or still a student, and want to embark on the adventure of freelancing? Given the strong appeal of this language, this can be a great opportunity.
To become a freelancer , you must first choose your legal status . Micro-entrepreneur (formerly “auto-entrepreneur”), SASU, EURL…? Each type of business has its advantages and disadvantages! This decision is not taken lightly because it involves major differences in terms of management, accounting, taxation, liability, etc.
For a Freelance Java developer, the simplest status is obviously that of micro-entrepreneur . If you opt for this choice, you will however be limited in turnover: for services, the auto-entrepreneur ceiling is €33,200 per year free of VAT or €70,000 otherwise. Please note that these are sales, not profits. The difference can sometimes be significant, especially if you have a lot of purchases to make or trips to make.
Writing a complete business plan will help you estimate your turnover in advance, but also your fixed and variable costs. And therefore, to more easily determine which status to choose for your company. We will soon have the opportunity to cover these topics in more detail on the blog!
What Average Daily Rate (ADR) for the Freelance Java Developer?
To be able to estimate your income, you must first calculate your average daily rate and/or your hourly rate .
Once you have determined your price, it is very important to compare it with the TMJs of other freelancers in the same sector . This will prevent you from offering prices too below or above those usually practiced.
This TMJ should also be weighted according to your experience: if you are an expert Java developer, you may charge more than if you have just finished your studies.
Here are the TMJ practiced on the FreelanceRepublik platform for freelance Java developers:
• Junior: 321€ / day
• Senior: €592 / day
• Average: 457€ / day
The expenses of the freelance developer
Once your business is set up, you will be subject to various charges and taxes. These vary depending on your status:
As a self-employed person:
• Social security contributions (including business tax) to be paid monthly or quarterly: approximately 22% of turnover;
• Business Property Contribution ;
• And of course, your income taxes if you have not subscribed to the direct debit option and you are taxable.
As a company director:
• Business Property Contribution ;
• Professional and apprenticeship tax;
• Corporate taxes (calculated on profits);
• Possible salary, with all that this implies: occupational medicine, social and employer charges (provident, retirement, and even unemployment depending on your status), mutual insurance, etc.
To this, you will also need to add other charges, including:
• Pro Civil Liability and other possible insurance;
• Bank account : as an AE, the dedicated bank account is only mandatory from 5000€ of annual turnover. Beyond that, you will need a separate account (note that you can very well create a second personal account, much less expensive than a professional account). If, on the other hand, you have a company, you will need a professional bank account;
• Your purchases of equipment (computers etc.), which can be amortized if you have a SASU or an EURL for example;
• Your internet connection and your telephone plan;
• The fees of a potential chartered accountant , if you wish to outsource your accounting;
• Any rent, if you do not work at home;
• Your possible subscriptions (accounting software, image processing software, office software, CRM software, Spotify, etc.) and applications;
• Your travel, communication and other miscellaneous expenses.
Do not hesitate to be accompanied by a chartered accountant in your steps.
How to find missions as a java developer?
To cover all your expenses, you will therefore need to find contracts. There are many ways to find clients when freelancing:
• portfolio and blogging;
• Professional and personal network;
• Word of mouth ;
• Linking platform ;
• Canvassing;
• Advertising ;
• Partnership with a web agency ;
• etc
To go further and discover all these methods in detail (and many more!), I invite you to consult my article “ Where to find clients when you are a freelance developer? “.
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