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How to Recover from a Traumatic Birth



During childbirth, many women experience stress, both psychological and physical. Family relationships and postnatal mental health can be heavily impacted by a traumatic birth experience. 

What Is Defined as a Traumatic Birth?

‘Traumatic birth’ is a broad term that refers to a collection of connected delivery events and unfavorable psychological reactions to a negative birth experience. Physical trauma may be present, such as harm to the infant or mother, although it is not always the case.

Some women suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of giving birth. Many first-time mothers have no idea of what to expect and are left with a feeling that they have failed. The main themes that are usually prevalent in a traumatic birth are a lack of caring, a lack of communication, and a sense of dignity having been denied. 

Ways to Deal with Birth Trauma

Taking time to process the birth, in solitude, in a journal, with a trusted friend, or with a therapist (noting the positive aspects) can assist the mother (and father) in dealing with the traumatic episode. You may feel like you do not want to process what happened, but this is vital in the journey to recovery. Reach out to support groups and speak to other mothers who have had similar experiences. Sometimes, acknowledging you need help is the hardest part. 

After you’ve written down your experience, getting your hospital birth notes can help you figure out what happened, see what the midwives and doctors saw, and fit together some of the puzzle pieces. Each hospital will have its own procedure for retrieving your records. The first step is to contact the hospital where you gave birth and inquire about how you can obtain all records pertaining to your birth admission. This is very important in cases where the baby sustained injuries from the traumatic birth. 

Physical harm during the childbirth process is a common cause of newborn brain damage. Brain injury can cause physical and mental impairments in children for the rest of their lives. If your child’s brain damage was caused by medical malpractice, you may be entitled to financial compensation. It is best to seek professional advice from an expert in the field. If you need the services of a brain injury lawyer in Connecticut, contact Bert McDowell Injury Law who are dedicated to assisting you to get the most out of your case.

Invest Time in Your New Child

After a traumatic birth, it’s not uncommon for new mothers to feel estranged from their newborns. While you may not be able to prevent those feelings from occurring, you may take steps to mitigate the problem by spending more time with your newborn. Getting acquainted with skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding can help you get through this challenging time. You might also give newborn massage a try. That can be a wonderful approach to get to know your baby and begin to feel a bond with him or her. 

Motherhood is a role that takes time to develop. A rocky start does not have to be the norm for the remainder of your mothering career. It’s crucial to understand that a bad birth experience might have an impact on your relationship with your baby and your partner, but it doesn’t have to. It is critical that you seek the help you need as quickly as possible.