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Meet the young entrepreneur giving a voice to those who deserve it- James William Awad



1. How long has TripleOne Inc. been running as an online business platform, and has it been an enjoyable journey so far?

The TripleOne company started back in September 2018. It is currently still private and the public part of it is being released very soon. I really enjoy working on TripleOne not only because I love what I do, but because It will create solutions to a lot of problems, we all have in this world. It will also allow useful innovative projects to be created with the help of users around the world.

2. Do you feel a certain level of support from friends and family around you with your business venture?

My friends and family are very supportive. We don’t really talk about business too much. They are just getting impatient with the release of TripleOne ha-ha!

3. Do you enjoy the pressure of running a business, and if so why?

I’ve felt a lot of pressure when I started especially when making mistakes. After countless of years working on my projects, I don’t feel the pressure anymore. I had to understand that mistakes become knowledge. I just have to make sure I don’t make the same mistakes again.

4. How do you advertise TripleOne?

TripleOne is currently advertised through word of mouth. Once the concept is released, we’ll be advertising offline and online.

5. Do you work locally or nationally?

TripleOne is national. I often have to visit different cities and states. Once the concept is released, it’ll be international.

6. What is the one thing that sets TripleOne Inc. apart from other businesses?

TripleOne is the first and only decentralized business out there that allows people to work together to help build and manage it. It makes it possible to create projects and businesses that are actually useful and needed for our society.

7. If you could give any young and upcoming entrepreneur one bit of advice, what would it be, and why?

Every one’s journey is different and my advice just can’t be great to anyone. One of the most important things I’ve learned in business is, don’t wait too much. Open your business with what you have and grow it from there. That’s what I’m doing with TripleOne this year. Even though I feel like the concept is not ready yet, and not perfect yet, I will still be releasing it because a project’s development is never ending. It can never be perfect! It can get better and better and that’s only if you release it.

8. How are we able to find you if we want to acquire your companies services?

Soon, you’ll find everything on Right now, people can join the waiting list to receive an email once we’re open.

Mudassar Hassan brings 8 years of experience in helping grass roots, mid-sized organizations and large institutions strengthen their management and resource generating capacities and effectively plan for the future. He is also a mentor and professional advisor to artists working in all disciplines. He is also the gold medalist from Abbottabad University of Science and Technology in the Bachelors of Sciences of Computer Science and recently Graduated from the University of Bolton with Masters in International Management.