Gabriella Melrose is a famous supercar model from London. Her media is full if photos and reviews of expensive cars and lavish lifestyle. Recentle she has changed her life direction and chose to be a life coach.

When we decide what made her take this decision she says: “ I have always been into self-development and life coaching was something I wanted to do.I have finished my courses and wrote my first motivational book in past year as a start of my career. I already help a lot of people to change their lifes and it makes me happy.”
We have seen that she moved out from London and when asked why she says: “London is a busy city. I have too much work here. I needed to take time off to write my book and come back.”

Gabriellas book is female empowerment book about self-love, getting out of comfort zone, facing and defeating fears, enjoying every day of life and many more topics. She is also into nutrition and teaches people how to eat healthy.
“I have lost 10kg in past 5months with no dieting. Just by eating right, healthy foods and working out”- says Gabriella. “It is all about the diet. If you eat healthy, raw, plant based diet you increase metabolic rate and it helps to lose weight, control apetite and many other things.”
For motivation and self-development check her website , and also visit her instagram@ Gabriella Melrose.