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What is the Digital Workspace and what are its Advantages



The digital workspace is not a new theme, but one that has undeniably enjoyed a new vitality in the last year. The only positive element resulting from the pandemic is having drastically accelerated the use of smart working. If in the beginning it was a measure imposed by the lockdown, it has subsequently become customary for many workers. Small, medium and large companies are experiencing the benefits of this way of working, seeing an increase in productivity and a better quality of work. On the other side of the… desk, those who have experienced smart work have reaped the benefits in terms of better work / life balance and greater organizational well-being.

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What is a Digital Workspace

If with Smart Working we mean a new managerial philosophy based on giving people back flexibility and autonomy in the choice of spaces, times and tools to be used in the face of greater responsibility for results, with digital workspace we cannot limit ourselves to a central digital work platform that makes information, tools and services available everywhere, as Wikipedia defines it. Better the definition of Gartner, according to which the DSW is what allows new and more effective ways of working, increases the commitment and agility of employees and takes advantage of consumer-oriented styles and technologies. But perhaps a more appropriate definition is to think of digital workspaces as virtual ecosystems that arise from the union of new workspaces and newly conceived communication technologies.

 Digital workspace and smart working

Historically speaking, the term appears in the late nineties of the last century, attributed to Jeffrey Bier, although some believe that its origin can be traced back to previous research on the issues of work-oriented technology design. It has certainly gained renewed attention as the technical infrastructure, hardware and software are now available to realistically support these earlier DWP views.

Today there are many who think that there is no unanimous definition. According to a study by Susan Patricia Williams and Petra Schubert of Koblenz-Landau University on digital workplace design, digital workplace design is interpreted differently and shaped by organizations to meet specific organizational needs. In practice there is no single model of digital workspace, but it depends on many factors. Certainly it must be placed at the intersection of people, organization and technology, and it is flexible and capable of adapting to the new requirements and future technologies of the organization.

The advantages of the digital workspace

Counting on the possibility of working in a digital and smart way is beneficial for both the company and the worker.

Several benefits can be highlighted. First of all, it allows employees to enjoy greater flexibility in both schedules and working environment. The ability to connect from anywhere, with less attention to a strict schedule, allows you to count on a rewarding work-life balance.

Another advantage is related to the reduced operating costs, from real estate to travel expenses.

When an organization has the ability to reduce costs and increase productivity, all of this translates into increased revenue. According to a research conducted by Avanade on “digital workplaces”, organizations have seen a 43% increase in revenue thanks to the implementation of dedicated solutions.

Counting on the digital workplace improves interpersonal communication: it allows employees to communicate and connect with each other, thanks to the various dedicated social and digital tools, creating a strong professional bond that promotes teamwork and creates a sense of belonging.

Another advantage associated with DWPs is the increase in performance. Using digital tools such as an intranet that can take advantage of Google Analytics integration, it allows you to identify KPIs such as bounce rate and time spent on the site. With this information, areas for improvement can be determined to optimize internal and external processes.

A benefit for the company that adopts this way of working is that it is perceived as modern and this has a positive effect in attracting talents interested in evolved work environments and attentive to the quality of life of their employees. Not only that: companies that have adopted DWP have experienced a 25% lower turnover rate, which means that talented employees are more likely to stay with the company that offers digital opportunities.

The digital workplace improves employee satisfaction. When well thought out, it offers opportunities to network with colleagues, connect with team members and share ideas. These possibilities allow employees to freely express their opinions and feel valued.

Additionally, employees who work remotely even once a month reported that they are 24% more likely to feel happy while working.