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What Social Marketing is and How It Works in Practice



Social marketing is an opportunity, a necessity, where some companies and businesses can develop with the promotion of their brand before society.

Innovation is of paramount importance in a competitive market, and before its competitors it can become decisive for the conquest and loyalty of this clientele.

However, it is necessary for the company to improve on its consumers through interactive dialogues, leveraging concrete actions in order to generate effective social changes in its clientele.

If the few words above have already aroused your curiosity about social marketing, its advantages and tools, in this article you can find all the answers you are looking for.

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We will see how it is possible to add value to your brand in the face of this strategy that is so promising.

You can see some tips throughout the article on social marketing and how to adopt a social marketing campaign for your company as well.

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What is Social Marketing

In a marketing way, social marketing is an applicable tool to win new customers, retain new and old customers, generate more acceptance in the market, improving the image and visibility of your company.

Looking at it from a social point of view, you, as a company, responsible for an important part of the market, can have more influence and capital to do good than individuals in a society with isolated and small actions.

When thinking about developing a social marketing campaign, projects and actions, it is intended to promote awareness, feelings of kindness, empathy, humility, love of neighbor and making the world a better place to be lived, with less or no inequality.

It may be that you do not offer the best price on the market, but if your brand is linked to social responsibility, with the application of social marketing you will certainly be seen differently by consumers who are more demanding and concerned with society and the world .

Social responsibility becomes an assertive and competitive differential for companies that want to stay and grow in the market.

Defending important causes, directed to the values ​​of your business, company and customers with a good development of social marketing, you will be able to create and establish more lasting relationships with your consumers and customers.

Social marketing can be defined as a set of actions where the objective is to promote a high visibility of a company, brand, business, service or product.

English word, which means market, the associated verb To Marketing is understood as marketing.

Soon we can define marketing marketing depending on the needs, requirements and the public’s search for what your company wants to sell.

From this point on, some actions are defined and vary according to the objectives and characteristics of the clients that need to be reached.

As the name says, social marketing is a set of attitudes, actions, put into practice by a given company for social and non-commercial causes.

Instead of focusing on selling services and products, or on the brand’s reputation, it will win the market through promotions of ideas and attitudes.

Social marketing is put into action especially in public bodies where a greater appeal is needed, the conquest of a community.

Social marketing strategies are usually related to the company with what is relevant to society as a whole.

The main ones are directed to education, transportation, health and other basic needs of society.

Respectively, social marketing tries to reduce some specific problems and involve the population in their cause.

It has the generation of important benefits for a community.

This type of campaign adds up to a positive return for the company that promotes its actions when it reinforces the positive positioning and added values ​​of its brand with a better view of the image.

In practice, social marketing works as we can see in some social networks, the color change in images in specific movements such as pink October, blue November, but its scope goes beyond this simple modification.

It requires investment to generate a positive effect on its clientele and people in society.

It is necessary to identify the ideal target audience to be reached and to segment in order to be able to carry out research and understanding of the market, outlining the goals, creating a marketing plan with specification of clear objectives, easy access and measurable results.

It is necessary to choose the social cause in which the company’s campaign will work and get involved.

So that the campaign is relevant to the public and in accordance with all the values ​​that the company preaches.

After the chosen campaign, it is necessary to decide what form the company will put in place promoting the change.

When the company is starting and thinks about doing social marketing but does not yet have the capacity to actively put into practice that particular cause, it can use philanthropy marketing, which is defined as the donation to an entity that does the actual work.

If the company is already active in this field, and has its own resources, sponsoring social projects can be a good idea.

Regardless of the way, the objective is to commit to the cause and propose ways of effective changes in them.

The work must be publicized in a subtle way so that it does not run the risk of being a company rated as overbearing in the active market.

Remember that the central objective is the association of creating in the minds of its customers and society the idea that the brand promotes good changes and deserves its outstanding value.

Advantages of Social Marketing

Social marketing helps society and improves the lives of people as a whole, also benefiting the companies involved.

Companies are able to benefit from social marketing, because social marketing actions will not only improve the brand image, but will also generate credibility, add value to the company’s product or services, increase business profitability, more brand exposure and visibility.

The promotion of the image linked to social marketing is in the idea that no human being is happy to see another being suffering, or sick little children, abandoned animals, destroyed environment, elderly people being mistreated, does it make sense to you?

It happens that many times the society without assistance, does not have the strength to modify these realities and even needs the idea of organizations and companies with more resources available to fulfill social roles.

That is why the actions generate so much positive engagement for companies.

Social Marketing Tools

  • Goal setting – First step is the decision of what you want to achieve with social marketing for your company.
  • Previous study of niche (customers) – After the defined objective, understand what type of niche you want to reach. Who is the target audience, more important than the established goal is to know who needs to be reached by this tool.
  • Choice of subject – It is necessary to carry out a study on the social issues that have raised the most controversies and need to be worked on for social awareness.
  • Social problems involved- Discovering the problem itself of that subject, which causes those attitudes to occur, you must discover the X of the issue, understand exactly the problem within that social issue that has generated so many problems.
  • Solution- The key to the problem is found in the solution. What is the solution to this problem, the solution must be presented in the marketing campaign, otherwise it loses the context and meaning, it will do no good.
  • Broadcast media – Where the social marketing campaign will be broadcast, define whether it will be on television, radio, internet, in all media.
  • Which media the target audience uses – It is very important but it is worth paying attention to your campaign budget, there is no point in thinking about announcing where the amount to invest is small and maintaining a smaller reach.
  • Expectation of results and schedule – Draw an expectation for the results, with a schedule or calendar. It is interesting to divide the results into two groups: positive for the company and also another that is positive for society.
  •  People involved -People who will be responsible for each part, each stage of the company’s social marketing. Definition of the roles of each participant
  • Campaign plan and creation of advertising- Creation of the campaign plan, where you will have relevant information, of the target audience, assignments, budget up to schedule.
  • After having your campaign structured and the elements very well defined, it is necessary to decide which social marketing tool to use to leverage the company’s image.

That is, how the company will be seen and will apply the elements in the context of the campaign:

As previously mentioned, philanthropy marketing is when the company’s content supports the donation that the company is making to a specific unit.

The marketing of social campaigns involves the communication of messages that are of interest to the public in the packaging of some products, or in the organization of the sales force with a percentage intended for entities.

Relationship marketing based on social actions has sought to improve the public and the company, making use of sales personnel as a guide base for customers as users of social services.

Social product and brand promotion marketing focuses on generating value for the business, generally being adopted by the company that uses the name of an entity.

Finally, sponsorship marketing for social projects where sponsorship can be third party sponsorship in this modality, as well as own sponsorship in which projects are created and other company resources are implemented.

Social marketing is a very interesting strategy.

It is of great value to remember that when it is well executed, social marketing has the transforming power in a society and its target audience, transforming consumers into true propagators of your brand.

If the company is to defend causes and values ​​relevant to it or its target audience, it is more likely to create meaningful relationships with its consumers.

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