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Custom Packaging with Offset Printing in the USA



You might have heard about the increase in the usage of custom boxes with offset printing in the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom. As the new businesses are increasing, that’s why there is an increased demand for custom boxes in 2020. Moreover, many of the people have shifted towards the new custom packaging technology from the old ore-made packaging boxes.

There are many renowned packaging and printing companies in the USA like “duke packaging” that are serving the customers from the last decade. Now there are many new companies in the market too that are offering good quality products at competitive market pricing. So, you can conclude that custom packaging is a tough field with a lot of competition in the market. Obviously, that is not good news for the people who are planning to launch their own companies. But for the buyers, that is great news of all the time. This site can be of great help if you are looking for the best Branding, Packaging and Food Packaging Design Agency.

New companies are using different strategies to grab the attention of new customers. For example, they are now offering free shipping and design support for the people of the United States. Also, some of them like to send small gift items for their customers. The point is simply to attract the people towards your firm.

Remember that all the glitter is not gold. These marketing techniques may grab your attention but before buying any product you should have some basic details about that too. That is the best and recommended way of shopping. We will try to elaborate on some points that you should look at before selecting an appropriate packaging firm for your needs.

Important Things to Look Before Selecting a Good Company

The technology of screen and digital printing has been replaced by offset printing technology. That is the latest technology that has the best results as well. But many firms are still relying on old and outdated technologies. So, before placing an order with any of the firms, just make sure that they are using the latest offset printing technology on the custom packaging boxes. I would say that this is the first question to ask while shortlisting some companies for your regular needs.

Secondly, you can ask you to send them some portfolio images of the boxes that they have printed recently. In this way, you can get an idea about their previous work too.

There are many online websites that take honest reviews of the customers that buy a product from a company. Trust pilot is one of those websites that I would like to mention here. Just make sure to select a company that has a good online presence as well. You should be to read the reviews of people about that company. I will also encourage you to spend some time on the research too while shortlisting the right company for your needs. These small efforts can save you from having a poor experience. So, just make sure to follow these tips while shopping for the custom boxes. I hope that would be useful for you.


Mudassar Hassan brings 8 years of experience in helping grass roots, mid-sized organizations and large institutions strengthen their management and resource generating capacities and effectively plan for the future. He is also a mentor and professional advisor to artists working in all disciplines. He is also the gold medalist from Abbottabad University of Science and Technology in the Bachelors of Sciences of Computer Science and recently Graduated from the University of Bolton with Masters in International Management.